Alvis Wayne

Listen to Alvis Wayne on Don't Mean Maybe Baby

Alvis Wayne
Settin' the world on fire in 1956 with his sizzling double-sider "Swing Bop Boogie" and "Sleep-Rock-A-Roll Rock-A-Baby," and comin' back strong in '57 with the great "Don't Mean Maybe, Baby," Lone Star rockabilly bad-ass Alvis Wayne still swills the Budweiser and smokes cigarettes with the best of 'em. But most importantly, he rocks with an unhinged vengeance, strumming his acoustic with powerful rhythmic intensity and singing in a rich, rural voice the likes of which the current crop of performers can only dream about!

Wayne's contribution to the Teenage Cruisers soundtrack was the unforgettable "Let Me Eat Your Pudding." Brilliant!

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